
柳素玲 研究员
E-mail: suling@fudan.edu.cn

  柳素玲,复旦大学生物医学研究院和肿瘤医院双聘教授, 博士研究生导师,国家“优秀青年”科学基金获得者;科技部中青年科技创新领军人才获得者。中国科学技术大学生物系获得学士学位;美国俄亥俄州立大学获得博士学位; 2003-2010年在美国密歇根大学癌症研究中心从事癌症干细胞博士后研究工作; 2010-2012年任美国密歇根大学医学院助理教授。2005-2008年获美国苏珊-库门癌症基金会博士后奖,2006 年获美国癌症协会默克学者奖,2010年获美国癌症协会苏珊-库门学者奖,2014年获得USCACA‐NFCR 学术奖, 2018年获得中国肿瘤青年科学家奖,2019年获得上海市医学领军人才称号,2020年获得科技部中青年科技创新领军人才称号。近五年,作为通讯作者在Nature Cell BiologyAdvanced ScienceNature CommunicationsScience AdvancesCancer Res.Plos BiologyClinical Cancer Res.Molecular Cancer等国际杂志上共发表论文25篇。共发表SCI论文78篇,总影响因子超过500,论文总他引超过10000次。现任World Journal of Stem Cells和ISRN cell biology等国际期刊编委。共申请国际专利五项、中国专利四项。作为独立研究PI,获得美国Susan G Komen Foundation 研究资助;美国国防部(DOD)研究资助;美Astrazeneca/Medimmune公司研究资助;中国科学院干细胞与再生医学先导项目资助;国家自然科学基金委“优青”项目、重点项目(2项)和面上项目资助;获得科技部国家重点研发计划和973子课题项目资助。





  1. Huang, Y.#, Wang, H., Hao, Y., Lin, H., Dong, M., Ye, J., Song, L., Wang, Y., Li, Q., Shan, B., Jiang, Y., Li, H., Shao, Z.M., Kroemer, G., Zhang, H., Bai, L., Jin, T., Wang, C., Ma, Y., Cai, Y., Ding, C., Liu, S.*, Pan, Y.*, Jiang, W.*, Zhou R.*. Myeloid PTEN promotes chemotherapy-induced NLRP3-inflammasome activation and antitumour immunity. Nature Cell Biology (online), 2020.
  2. Zhang, F. #, Liu, S.*. Mechanistic insights of adipocyte metabolism in regulating breast cancer progression. Pharmacological Research, 2020 May; 155:104741.
  3. Qin, Y. #, Chen, W. #, Jiang, G., Zhou, L., Yang, X., Li, H., He, X., Wang, H., Zhou, Y., Huang, S., Liu, S.*. Interfering MSN-NONO complex activated CREB signaling serves a novel therapeutic strategy for triple-negative breast cancer. Science Advances, 2020 Feb 19; 6(8).
  4. Zhang, L. #, Qiang, J. #, Yang, L. #, Wang, D., Adeel, R., He, X., Chen, W., Sheng , D., Zhou, L., Jiang, Y. Z., Li, T., Du, Y., Feng, J., Hu, X., Zhang, J., Hu, X. C., Shao, Z. M., Liu, S.*. IL1R2 blockade suppresses breast tumorigenesis and progression by impairing USP15-dependent BMI1 stability. Advanced Science, 2019 Nov 13; 7(1):1901728.
  5. Zhou, L. #, Wang, D. #, Sheng, D. #, Xu, J., Chen, W., Qin, Y., Du, R., Yang, X., He, X., Xie, N.*, Liu, S.*, Zhang, L.*. NOTCH4 maintains quiescent mesenchymal-like breast cancer stem cells via transcriptionally activating SLUG and GAS1 in triple-negative breast cancer. Theranostics, 2020 Jan 19; 10(5):2405-2421.
  6. Zhang, J. #, Yang, Y., Zhou, S., He, X., Cao, X., Wu, C., Hu, H., Qin, J., Wei, G., Wang, H., Liu, S.*, Sun, L.*. Membrane-bound TNF mediates microtubule-targeting chemotherapeutics-induced cancer cytolysis via juxtacrine inter-cancer-cell death signaling. Cell Death and Differentiation,2020 May; 27(5):1569-1587.
  7. Jiang, G.#, Wang, X.#, Sheng, D., Zhou, L., Liu, Y., Xu, C., Liu, S.* and Zhang, J.*. Cooperativity of co-factor NR2F2 with Pioneer Factors GATA3, FOXA1 in promoting ERα function. Theranostics, 2019 Aug 21; 9(22):6501-6516.
  8. Jin, X. #, Xu, X-E. # *, Jiang, Y-Z. #, Liu, Y-R., Sun, W., Guo, Y-J., Ren, Y-X., Zuo, W-J., Hu, X., Huang, S-L., Shen, H-J., Lan, F., He, Y-F., Hu, G-H., Di, G-H., He, X-H., Li, D-Q., Liu, S.*, Yu, K-D.*,Shao, Z-M.*. The endogenous retrovirus-derived long noncoding RNA TROJAN promotes triple-negative breast cancer progression via ZMYND8 degradation. Science Advances, 2019 Mar 6; 5(3):eaat9820.
  9. Cui, B. #, Luo, Y., Tian, P., Peng, F., Lu, J., Yang, Y., Su, Q., Liu, B., Yu, J., Luo, X., Yin, L., Cheng, W., An, F., He, B., Liang, D., Wu, S., Chu, P., Song, L., Liu, X., Luo, H., Xu, J., Pan, Y., Wang, Y., Li, D., Huang, P., Yang, Q., Zhang, L., Zhou, B.P., Liu, S., Xu, G.,  Lam, E.W.-F., Kelley, K.W. and Liu, Q.*. Stress-induced epinephrine enhances lactate dehydrogenase A and promotes breast cancer stem-like cells. JCI, 2019 Mar 1; 129(3):1030-1046.
  10. Liu, J. #, Duan, Z. #, Guo, W., Zeng, L., Wu, Y., Chen, Y., Tai, F., Wang, Y., Lin, Y., Zhang, Q., He, Y., Deng J., Stewart, R., Wang, C., Lin, P., Ghaffari, S., Evers, B.M., Liu, S.*, Zhou, M-M.*, Zhou, B.*, and Shi, J.*. Targeting the BRD4/FOXO3a/CDK6 axis Sensitizes AKT Inhibition in Luminal Breast Cancer. Nature Communications 2018; 9(1): 5200.
  11. Liu, B. #, Du, R. #, Zhou L., Xu, J., Chen, S., Chen, J., Yang, X., Liu, D-X., Shao, Z-M., Zhang, L., Yu, Z., Xie, N. *, Guan, J-L.*, and Liu, S.*. miR-200c/141 regulates breast cancer stem cell heterogeneity via targeting HIPK1/β-catenin axis. Theranostics 2018; 8(21): 5801-5813.
  12. Deng, L. #, Gao, X. #, Liu, B., He, X., Xu, J., Qiang, J., Wu, Q., Liu, S.*. NMT1 inhibition modulates breast cancer progression through stress-triggered JNK pathway. Cell Death and Disease, 2018; 9(12):1143.
  13. Chen, L-L. #, Lin, H-P. #, Zhou, W-J., He, C-X., Zhang, Z-Y., Cheng, Z-L., Song, J-B., Liu, P., Chen, X-Y., Xia, Y-K., Chen, X-F., Sun, R-Q., Zhang, J-Y., Sun, Y-P., Song, L., Liu, B-J., Du, R-K., Ding, C., Lan, F., Huang, S-L., Zhou, F., Liu, S., Xiong, Y.*, Ye, D.*, Guan, K-L.*  SNIP1 recruits TET2 to regulate c-MYC target genes and cellular DNA damage response. Cell Reports, 2018; 25(6):1485-1500.
  14. Chen, W. #, Qin, Y. #, Wang, D., Zhou, L., Liu, Y., Chen, S., Yin, L., Xiao, Y., Yao, X-H., Yang, X., Ma, W., Chen, W., He, X., Zhang, L., Yang, Q., Bian, X., Shao, Z-M., Liu, S.* CCL20 triggered by chemotherapy hinders the therapeutic efficacy of breast cancer. Plos Biology, 2018; 16(7): e2005869.
  15. Chen, F. #, Long, Q., Fu, D., Zhu, D., Ji, Y., Han, L., Zhang, B., Xu, Q., Liu, B., Li, Y., Wu, S., Yang, C., Qian, M., Xu, J., Liu, S., Cao, L., Chin, E.Y., Lam, E.W.F., Coppé, J-P., Sun, Y. Targeting SPINK1 in the damaged tumour microenvironment alleviates therapeutic resistance. Nature Communications, 2018; 9: 4315.
  16. Liu, M. #, Liu, Y. #, Deng, L. #, Wang, D., He, X., Zhou, L., Wicha, M.S., Bai, F.*, Liu, S.*. Transcriptional profiles of different states of cancer stem cells in triple-negative breast cancer. Molecular Cancer, 2018; 17(1): 65.
  17. Du, R. #, Liu, B. #, Zhou, L., Wang, D., He, X., Xu, X., Zhang, L., Niu, C.*, Liu, S.*. Downregulation of annexin A3 inhibits tumor metastasis and decreases drug resistance in breast cancer. Cell Death and Disease, 2018; 9(2): 126.
  18. Wang, D. #, Xu, J. #, Liu, B., He, X., Zhou, L., Hu, X., Qiao, F., Zhang, A., Xu, X., Zhang, H., Wicha, MS., Zhang, L., Shao, Z., Liu, S.*. IL6 blockade potentiates the anti-tumor effects of γ-secretase inhibitors in Notch3-expressing breast cancer. Cell Death and Differentiation, 2018; 25(2): 330-339.
  19. Zhou, L. #, Sheng, D. #, Deng, Q., Wang, D., Liu, S.*. Development of a novel method for rapid cloning of shRNA vectors, which successfully knocked down CD44 in mesenchymal-like triple negative breast cancer cells. Cancer Communications, 2018 Sep 24; 38(1):57.
  20. Zhou, L. #, Sheng, D. #, Wang, D., Ma, W., Deng, Q., Deng, L., Liu, S.*. Identification of cancer-type specific expression patterns for active aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) isoforms in ALDEFLUOR assay. Cell Biol Toxicol, 2019 Apr; 35(2):161-177.
  21. Chen, W. #, Qin, Y. #, Liu, S.*. Cytokines, breast cancer stem cells (BCSCs) and chemoresistance. Clinical and Translational Medicine, 2018 Sep 3; 7(1):27.
  22. Qin, Y. #, Chen, W. #, Liu, B., Zhou, L., Deng, L., Niu, W., Bao, D., Cheng, C., Li, D., Liu, S.*, Niu, C.*. MiR-200c Inhibits the Tumor Progression of Glioma via Targeting Moesin. Theranostics, 2017 Apr 10; 7(6):1663-1673.
  23. Wang, D. #, Du, R., Liu, S.*. Rad51 inhibition sensitizes breast cancer stem cells to PARP inhibitor in triple-negative breast cancer. Chin J Cancer, 2017; 36(1):37.
  24. Xu, J. #, Liu, S.*. Research progress in breast cancer stem cells. Scientia Sinica Vitae, 2017.
  25. Liu, Y. #, Burness, M.L., Martin-Trevino, R., Guy, J., Bai, S., Harouaka, R., Brooks, M.D., Shang, L., Fox, A., Luther, T.K., Davis, A., Baker, T.L., Colacino, J., Clouthier, S.G., Shao, Z-M., Wicha, M.S., and Liu, S*. RAD51 Mediates Resistance of Cancer Stem Cells to PARP Inhibition in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer. Clinical Cancer Research, 2017; 23(2): 514-522.
  26. Liu, R. #, Shi, P., Nie, Z., Liang, H., Zhou, Z., Chen, W., Chen, H., Dong, C., Yang, R., Liu, S., Chen, C.* Mifepristone Suppresses Basal Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Stem Cells by Down-regulating KLF5 Expression. Theranostics, 2016 Feb 13; 6(4):533-544.
  27. Zhao, Z. #, Li, S., Song, E., and Liu, S*. The roles of ncRNAs and histone-modifiers in regulating breast cancer stem cells. Protein & cell, 2016 Feb; 7(2):89-99.
  28. Liu, Y. #, Chen, C., Qian, P., Lu, X., Sun, B., Zhang, X., Wang, L., Gao, X., Li, H., Chen, Z., Tang, J., Zhang, W., Dong, J., Bai, R., Lobie, P. E., Wu, Q., Liu, S., Zhang, H., Zhao, F., Wicha, M. S., Zhu, T., and Zhao, Y. Gd-metallofullerenol nanomaterial as non-toxic breast cancer stem cell-specific inhibitor. Nature Communications, 2015 Jan 23; 6:5988.
  29. Sun, S. #Liu, S., Duan, S. Z., Zhang, L., Zhou, H., Hu, Y., Zhou, X., Shi, C., Zhou, R., and Liu, S.* #, Cong, Y., Wang, D., Sun, Y., Deng, L., Liu, Y., Martin-Trevino, R., Shang, L., McDermott, S. P., Landis, M. D., Hong, S., Adams, A., D'Angelo, R., Ginestier, C., Charafe-Jauffret, E., Clouthier, S. G., Birnbaum, D., Wong, S. T., Zhan, M., Chang, J.C.*, and Wicha, M.S.* Breast Cancer Stem Cells Transition between Epithelial and Mesenchymal States Reflective of their Normal Counterparts. Stem Cell Reports, 2013 Dec 27; 2(1):78-91.
  30. Deng, L. #, Shang, L. #, Bai, S., Chen, J., He, X., Martin-Trevino, R., Chen, S., Li, X.-Y., Meng, X., Yu, B., Wang, X., Liu, Y., McDermott, S. P., Ariazi, A. E., Ginestier, C., Ibarra, I., Ke, J., Luther, T., Clouthier, S. G., Xu, L., Shan, G., Song, E., Yao, H., Hannon, G. J., Weiss, S. J., Wicha, M. S., and Liu, S.*. MicroRNA100 Inhibits Self-Renewal of Breast Cancer Stem-like Cells and Breast Tumor Development. Cancer research, 2014 Nov 15; 74(22):6648-60.
  31. Liu, S.* #, Patel, S. H., Ginestier, C., Ibarra, I., Martin-Trevino, R., Bai, S., McDermott, S. P., Shang, L., Ke, J., Ou, S. J., Heath, A., Zhang, K. J., Korkaya, H., Clouthier, S. G., Charafe-Jauffret, E., Birnbaum, D., Hannon, G. J., and Wicha, M.S*. MicroRNA93 Regulates Proliferation and Differentiation of Normal and Malignant Breast Stem Cells. Plos Genetics, 2012; 8(6):e1002751.
  32. Liu, S. #, Clouthier, S. G., and Wicha, M.S.* Role of microRNAs in the Regulation of Breast Cancer Stem Cells. Journal of Mammary Gland Biology and Neoplasia, 2012; 17: 15-21.
  33. Liu, S.* #, Ginestier, C., Ou, S. J., Clouthier, S. G., Patel, S. H., Monville, F., Korkaya, H., Heath, A., Dutcher, J., Kleer, C. G., Jung, Y., Dontu, G., Taichman, R., and Wicha, M.S.* Breast Cancer Stem Cells Are Regulated by Mesenchymal Stem Cells through Cytokine Networks. Cancer Research, 2011 Jan 15; 71(2):614-24.
  34. Liu, S. #, and Wicha, M. S. Targeting Breast Cancer Stem Cells. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 2010; 28:4006-4012.
  35. Ginestier, C., Liu, S., Diebel, M. E., Korkaya, H., Luo, M., Brown, M., Wicinski, J., Cabaud, O., Charafe-Jauffret, E., Birnbaum, D., Guan, J.-L., Dontu, G., and Wicha, M. S. CXCR1 blockade selectively targets human breast cancer stem cells in vitro and in xenografts. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2010 Feb; 120(2):485-97.
  36. Ginestier, C., Liu, S., and Wicha, M. S. Getting to the Root of BRCA1-Deficient Breast Cancer. Cell Stem Cell, 2009 Sep 4; 5(3):229-30.
  37. Liu, S. #, Ginestier, C., Charafe-Jauffret, E., Foco, H., Kleer, C. G., Merajver, S. D., Dontu, G., and Wicha, M. S. BRCA1 regulates human mammary stem/progenitor cell fate. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2008 Feb 5; 105(5):1680-5.
  38. Ginestier, C., Hur, M. H., Charafe-Jauffret, E., Monville, F., Dutcher, J., Brown, M., Jacquemier, J., Viens, P., Kleer, C. G.,Liu, S., Schott, A., Hayes, D., Birnbaum, D., Wicha, M. S., and Dontu, G. ALDH1 is a marker of normal and malignant human mammary stem cells and a predictor of poor clinical outcome. Cell Stem Cell, 2007 Nov; 1(5):555-67.
  39. Liu, S. #, Dontu, G., Mantle, I., Patel, S., Ahn, N., Jackson, K., Suri, P., and Wicha, M. Hedgehog signaling and Bmi-1 regulate self-renewal of normal and malignant human mammary stem cells. Cancer Research, 2006 Jun 15; 66(12):6063-71.

Book Chapters
  1. Chen, W., Qin, Y., and Liu, S.*. CCL20 Signaling in the Tumor Microenvironment. Tumor Microenvironment. Chapter 6, Page 53-65, 2020 (Springer)
  2. Xu, J., and Liu, S.*. Non-coding RNAs in cancer cell plasticity. The long and short non-coding RNAs in cancer biology. Chapter 6, Page 137-172, 2016 (Springer).
  3. Deng, L., Xu, J., Wang, D. and Liu, S.*. Self-Renewal Pathways in Mammary Stem Cells and Carcinogenesis. Cancer Stem Cells: Emerging Concepts and Future Perspectives in Translational Oncology. Chapter 6, Page 155-174, 2015.
  4. Ouzounova, M., Liu, S. and Wicha, M.S. Stem Cells in Breast Development and Carcinogenesis: Concepts and Clinical Perspectives. Diseases of the breast. 5th edition, Chapter 2, Page 15-24, 2014.
  5. Liu, Y.  and Liu, S.*. Role of Cancer Stem Cell in Mammary Carcinogenesis and Its Clinical Implication. Stem Cells and Cancer Stem CellsVol 10, 189-197, 2013.
  6. Mantle, I., Dontu, G., Liu, S. and Wicha, M.S. Cancer stem cells: implications for development of more effective therapies. Cancer drug resistance. PART II: Biological Resistance. 2005.
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