主持国家级、省部级科研基金50余项。发表论文543篇(SCI 296篇)。主编主译专著9本,发明专利19项。牵头国际国内多中心临床实验和研究50余项。以第一完成人获上海市科技进步一等奖、教育部科技成果一等奖、上海市医学科技奖一等奖、中华医学奖二等奖,2012年获国家科技进步一等奖(第三完成人)。获国家卫计委有突出贡献中青年专家,吴阶平泌尿外科医学奖,上海市领军人才,上海市医学领军人才,上海市优秀学科带头人称号,全国卫生计生系统先进工作者称号,享受国务院特殊政府津贴。
Wei Y#, Wu J#, Gu W, Qin X, Dai B, Lin G, Gan H, Freedland SJ, Zhu Y*, Ye D*. Germline DNA Repair Gene Mutation Landscape in Chinese Prostate Cancer Patients. Eur Urol. 2019 Sep; 76(3):280-283.
2. Fu Q#, Xu L#, Wang Y#, Jiang Q#, Liu Z, Zhang J, Zhou Q, Zeng H, Tong S, Wang T, Qi Y, Hu B, Fu H, Xie H, Zhou L, Chang Y, Zhu Y, Dai B*, Zhang W*, Xu J*. Tumor-associated Macrophage derived Interleukin-23 Interlinks Kidney Cancer Glutamine Addiction with Immune Evasion. Eur Urol. 2019 May; 75(5):752-763
Fu H#, Zhu Y#, Wang Y#, Liu Z, Zhang J, Xie H, Fu, Q Dai B, Ye D*, Xu J*. Identification and Validation of Stromal Immunotype Predict Survival and Benefit from Adjuvant Chemotherapy in Patients with Muscle-Invasive Bladder Cancer. Clinical Cancer Research. 2018; 24(13): 3069-3079.
Cao D#, Qi Z#, Pang Y#, Li H#, Xie H, Wu J, Huang Y, Zhu Y, Shen Y, Zhu Y, Dai B, Hu X, Ye D*, Wang Z*. Retinoic Acid–Related Orphan Receptor C Regulates Proliferation, Glycolysis, and Chemoresistance via the PD-L1ITGB6STAT3 Signaling Axis in Bladder Cancer. Cancer Res. 2019 May 15; 79(10):2604-2618.
Xu H#, Sun Y#, You BS, Huang CP, Ye DW*, Chawnshang Chang*. Androgen receptor reverses the oncometabolite R-2-hydroxyglutarate-induced prostate cancer cell invasion via suppressing the circRNA-51217/miRNA-646/TGFβ1/p-Smad2/3 signaling. Cancer Lett. 2020 Mar 1; 472:151-164.
Wang J#, Xu WH#, Wang BH, Lin GW, Wei Y, Mierxiati Abudurexiti , Zhu WK, Liu C, Qin XJ, Dai B, Wan FN*, Zhang HL*, Zhu Y*, Ye DW* . GLUT1 is an AR target contributing to tumor growth and glycolysis in castration-resistant and enzalutamide-resistant prostate cancersa. Cancer Lett. 2020 Aug 10; 485:45-55.
Zhu Y#, Liu, Z# Wang Y#, Fu H, Wang Z, Xie H , Zhang J, Li G, Dai B, Dingwei Ye*, Jiejie Xu*. High CXC chemokine receptor 1 level represents an independent negative prognosticator in non-metastatic clear-cell renal cell carcinoma patients. Oncoimmunology. 2017 Aug 8; 6(11):e1359450.
Xu WH#,Liu WR#,Xu Y#,Tian X#,A Anwaier,Su JQ,Zhu WK,Shi GH,Wei GM, Huang YP*, Qu YY*, Zhang HL*, Ye DW*. Hexokinase 3 dysfunction promotes tumorigenesis and immune escape by up-regulating monocyte/macrophage infiltration into clear cell renal cell carcinoma microenvironment. International Journal of Biological Sciences. 2021 Jun 1;17(9):2205-2222.
Wu J#, Wang H#, Ricketts CJ#, Yang Y, Merino MJ, Zhang H, Shi G, Gan H, Linehan WM*, Zhu Y*,Ye D*. Germline mutations of renal cancer predisposition genes and clinical relevance in Chinese sporadic early-onset patients. Cancer. 2019 Apr 1; 125(7):1060-1069.
Wang YC#, Wu J#, Luo WJ#, Zhang HL, Shi GH, Shen YJ, Zhu Y, Ma CG, Dai B, Ye DW*, Zhu YP*. ALPK2 acts as tumor promotor in development of bladder cancer through targeting DEPDC1A. Cell Death Dis. 2021 Jul 1; 12(7):661.